Data exchange

There’s something more to this than I can put into words right now. The idea of posting data sets for all to use is amazingly interesting to me. I guess all those years of regression analysis in Quattro Pro while in engineering school are coming back to haunt me. Whatever it is, the idea of people synthesizing conclusions based on a broad set of data contributed by the commons is…fascinating. Imagine if this existed in verticals: what if you could find recall data for autos, consumer preferences for cereals. If there were a way for the individual to contribute their data to this, it might be a step in the direction of VRM. Companies could use something like swivel as the place to see what the market was up to.

Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Swivel Aims To Become The Internet Archive For Data






2 responses to “Data exchange”

  1. Chris Williams Avatar

    You can apply the same concepts to Product Information. Imagine if everyone made their product data availble. Imagine if you could google a problem you were having with your washing machine and in the results was a digital definition of the actual machine. Imagine if you could interact with this data and as you selected portions of the machine you would see serve people in your area, replacement kits, instructions (3d interactive animation of course), and places to by the parts you need…
    This would be great for the consumer, the company that made the machine, advertisers, service companies, and of course google. The consurmer get the problem solved (either doing it themselves or hiring someone and is not frustrated by the poor outsourced customer service person the washing machine company has hired), the washing machine company could by data about washing machine problems and how people decided to fix them (maybe they went from this search to a buy another machine search), the rest is pretty clear…
    Wouldn’t this be a better way to out source customer service?

  2. hilby Avatar

    Narrator: A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don’t do one.
    Business woman on plane: Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?
    Narrator: You wouldn’t believe.
    Business woman on plane: Which car company do you work for?
    Narrator: A major one.

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