Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Info Week's take on business in Second Life

    A somewhat pessimistic view from Information Week on the results so far of business investments in creating a presence in Second Life.  One line that stood out for me was: The design simulations are kludgy and represent the ultimate exercise in pointless boredom for users who want to indulge their ultimate fantasies, not decide between…

  • Are patents only a stick?

    Ralph picked up the news release UGS did today the ‘record number of patents’ issued in 2006. He concludes with a statement about patents only being useful in cases where there is some other disagreement between companies (specifically in the form of a law suit), where they can be used as negotiation chips. While I…

  • Let's hope the EC sees it the same way

    Siemens deal for UGS gets U.S. antitrust approval

  • You are (at most) three degrees from the Governator

    If you are reading this, you are at most 3 degrees of separation from Arnold Schwarzenegger, current governor of Califronia. The first degree is me. I am assuming that if you read my blog you ‘know’ me so that counts. The rest of the connection works like this: Before we moved to the farm last…

  • My next phone?

    I have been very happy for the past year with my T-mobile MDA (aka HTC Wizard).  However I saw the new line of phones from i-Mate on the Engadget site and I’m thinking this one might be an interesting upgrade when available sometime this summer.  I hope T-mobile carries it. Engadget

  • The things you hear at Walmart

    My family and I went to Walmart on Sunday to pick up a few groceries we had forgotten at our trip to the “real” store the day before.  We’ve had a rash of bad weather around Cincinnati the last few days and on Sunday everyone was gearing up for it.  So it wasn’t much of…

  • My superbowl celebration

    Since I was in China last week, the Superbowl was aired live Monday morning local time. A bunch of ‘the Americans’ got together in one of the hotel rooms and cycled through the 40 channels on the cable system trying to find a broadcast. Eventually we found it on ESPN (which I thought was odd…

  • Universal keyboard layout?

    This one is gonna be short as I am typing it from a publicly accesible iMac in the Air France lounge at the Paris airport. Let me apologize now for any mis-spellings as either the French or Apple or both hqve decided that the keyboard layout the rest of the world uses is insufficient in…

  • Good times in Hong Kong

    Left Tokyo on Saturday morning after a relatively calm Friday evening consisting of dinner at a Shabu-Shabu restaurant near the hotel and an early bed time.  Took a Cathay Pacfic flight into HK that arrive around noon local time.  Immigration and customs wasn’t a big hassle (that was saved for later when we went to…